Saturday, October 22, 2016

what would be spookier than our own ghost hunt in a pasture in the middle of nowhere?

I was thinking at work while I was washing: why am I driving all over hell and high water to ghost hunt when I know the approximate location of the old Mercer County Pauper Cemetery in the pasture? the piles of stones that were markers were all scattered when Lije turned his cows into the pasture after Marie bought the farm. Kevin remembers seeing them. I could drive back there....with my little head lamp on....record on my phone...ask some questions...will ask Tracy what she thinks at some point and time. probably go in daylight the first time....Villisca Ax Murder House is having a $5 Halloween Night Tour....which sounds awesome. But Kevin works Mondays. and I have to work Monday & Tuesday. and it is a long drive. and I'm not brave enough to go alone...maybe next year Tracy & I can go...
Mercer County Roots Web website gave me location: T66-R23-S20. looked it up in 2015 plat book....sure it is right where Kevin showed me years ago. the poor farm was "a little southeast of town of Mercer 1869-1896, with pauper cemetery near."
and in the meantime....found this adorable fridge magnet on etsy!

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