buy buy buy plushie pigs and make circus freakshow pigs for coworker xmas gifts.
more Rose & Rex mice for grandkids....they love 'em!
Violet Lost My Name book 1st bday
Coralie birthday....The Wooden Soldier (is that still a catalog? I always wanted to get one for Katie) dress and necklace.
Zerelda bday Twirly Girl dress
make denim quilt with individual flannel backed squares...have some left from the one I made for Koren....
order Coke fabric, make curtains for kitchen windows/door.
do Coke lights still work? hang in kitchen
Small Town Monsters Kick Start Feb.
save cash for Big Kid gifts throughout year....don't wait till end of November again.....
order a canvas of my fave growing up picture of each of my 3 little K's....Koren. KJ. Katie.
buy tons of stuffed piggies and make circus freakshow pigs for coworker gifts next Xmas....or find a pattern for stuffed pigs?
figure out how to fix my old possibly haunted doll from Grandma Grace
one of those haunted dolls off facebook.....